The picture in this post shows me at my table at AutumnFest 2018. As someone who has done a lot of author events, as well as having written four novels and one book of poetry, I'm today asking myself what I really want to say. Unhidden Pilgrims does have a lot of content about free speech. Banking on Dreams shows connections between dreams and reality. Mayflower Dreams connects us to our history. Roger Williams in an Elevator has a lot of ideas about different kinds of freedom, including the freedom to worship God. Holidays Amaze connects to many of these same ideas through its use of different poems. These poems are also showing some of the many amazing aspects of life's mazes, holidays, and celebrations. With my past writing experiences, I often have found out what I'm trying to say after I have begun, have partially finished, or have completely finished writing the novel, poem, article, story, or blog post. The writing process can be highly creative because it actually helps me to figure out what I'm trying to say while I'm trying to say it. Through my writing experiences, I've learned a lot about myself, my life, my dreams, my reality, my history, my love of freedom, my thankfulness to God, and my world.